Role: Lead Designer, Assistant Artistic Director

What started as a dream eventually turned to reality. I was approached with the task of conceptualizing a branded logo and identity for Overwatch’s collegiate space. Sketches were rough, the nights were long, but it all paid off in the end when we saw our vision for the future of Collegiate Overwatch truly come to life.


In order to ensure the Collegiate logo would be an accurate representation of the collegiate scene and fall in line with the rest of the Path to Pro branded assets, in-depth studies were vital and conducted over the course of several months within the creative team.

The pose for D.Va needed to accurately represent her character, and also maintain a visual cohesion with the other to Overwatch Path to Pro logos.

In the end, the overall silhouette was simplified and mirrored to face the same direction as the silhouette seen in the Contenders logo. Brand typefaces were also set to match Overwatch’s brand identity system. Thus, the logo was finalized and set into motion across all Collegiate channels.


Before the finals, and before D.Va was chosen as the final mascot for the Collegiate scene, there were other heroes from Overwatch’s roster considered for this brand identity. The following showcase various early-stage studies of other heroes and how their image would have potentially altered the entire visual idendity system for Overwatch Collegiate.


SCUF Murals